Who we are

My name is Donald Gunnin. I've been in construction millwrites welding for over 27 years. In those years, I noticed a problem in construction--right from the get- go. The flange nuts for grinders were always coming up missing. Twenty-two years went by dealing with this problem. Every day, the same thing: gone nuts! Then it hit me to make GoneNuts®, but I never persued it. In October 2015, I was working on a major job. I was using a Metabo grinder and it was run over and crushed by a fork lift. Then thrown away. As I noticed the grinder in the trash can I paused and stared at it for a moment. It occurred to me,"There's all my parts, right here, for my idea!" I retrieved the crushed grinder and later found that evening, that everything I needed for my invention, I already had. A few days later I started GONE NUTS. (More....)


We will ship your order to your door.
We will ship your order to your door using any major shipping mailling services. As of now we are only shipping to the United States, but are looking at foreign export as well in the meantime.