Who we are
My name is Donald Gunnin. I've been in construction millwrites welding for over 27 years. In those years, I noticed a problem in construction--right from the get- go. The flange nuts for grinders were always coming up missing. Twenty-two years went by dealing with this problem. Every day, the same thing: gone nuts! Then it hit me to make GoneNuts®, but I never persued it. In October 2015, I was working on a major job. I was using a Metabo grinder and it was run over and crushed by a fork lift. Then thrown away. As I noticed the grinder in the trash can I paused and stared at it for a moment. It occurred to me,"There's all my parts, right here, for my idea!" I retrieved the crushed grinder and later found that evening, that everything I needed for my invention, I already had. A few days later I started GONE NUTS. (More....)